Dr. Katelyn Perez
University of Pennsylvania​
Special Interests: Feline Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Pain Management, and End of Life Care

A Bit About Me
Dr. Perez grew up in Miami Flordia. She took a job in high school taking care of the boarding dogs at a training facility. During one of her weekend shifts, one of the dogs her my care got sick, and she was tasked to take him to the local veterinary clinic. At that time, Dr. Perez had been having a really hard time figuring out what career I wanted to pursue. That was the moment that she realized her career and passion for animals could be connected. She started shadowing at a different vet and quickly fell in love with the profession.
Dr. Perez started working as a kennel tech in a veterinary hospital and was trained to become a vet tech and worked part time throughout her undergraduate degree. She also volunteered at her local shelter's low cost clinic. Dr. Perez worked as a vet tech during veterinary school when classes became remote due to COVID-19. Working as a vet tech helped remind her what she was working towards in school.
Dr. Perez attended the University of Florida for undergraduate and went on to the University of Pennsylvania for veterinary school. Dr. Perez earn several awards during her time in school:
Gwen Fernich Lowitt V94 Memorial Opportunity Scholarship (2019-2023)
2021 Zoetis Veterinary Student Scholarship Award
2021 Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship Award
2022 Vance and Mildred G. Moyer Endowed Scholarship Award
2022 Mehetibal Endowed Scholarship Award
She is also a member of the American Veterinary Medicine Association and is Fear Free Certified with special interests in Feline Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Pain Management, and End of Life Care. ​
When ask what her favorite part of being a veterinarian is, Dr. Perez answered, "Seeing a sick animal transition from confused and ill to happy and healthy and grateful. There is no better feeling and it always affirms why I am in this field. Also, connecting with owners! I love being able to provide insight into their best friend's conditions and make a plan that is best for the whole family."
During her free time Dr. Perez enjoys reading, being in the sun/going to the beach, spending time with friends, and hopefully taking her dogs on trails in the warmer months! Dr. Perez has two dogs, Loki, a shy 1 year old male black DSH and Bernie, a 3 year old male Great Pyrenees/GSD mix (aka Ghost from Game of Thrones).